βTo improve the respiratory health of those wearing tight fitting Respiratory Protective Equipment through being face fit tested by a Fit2Fit Accredited provider.β
The Fit2Fit RPE Fit Test Providers Accreditation Scheme is designed to confirm the competency of any person performing facepiece fit testing. It is a legal requirement that workers using tight fitting respiratory protective equipment (face pieces/masks) must be fit tested by a competent person. This requirement is detailed in CoSHH regulations.
Wefitrpe were amongst the first accredited with over 20 years experience.
Useful Links
Here are some links to other useful websites relevant to the fit2fit campaign
British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF)
Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM)
Asbestos Removal Contractors Assoc. (ARCA)
British Occupational Hygiene Society BOHS
Asbestos Control & Abatement (ACAD)
International Institute of Risk & Safety Management (IIRSM)
TSI – Quantitative Fit Testing
Shawcity – Quantitative Fit Testing
Fire Safe International – Quantitative Fit Testing
Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
HSE demonstrate how RPE protection can be compromised – Video
Fit2Fit Candidates Handbook Doc 2 2019
Fit2Fit Candidates Application Form 2019
Fit2Fit Accreditation scheme syllabus
Fit2Fit Companion – Guidance document Qualitative
Fit2Fit Companion – Guidance document Quantitative APC
Fit2Fit Companion – Guidance document Quantitative CNP
Research – the effect of stubble on RPE performance and protection